Sunday, September 27, 2009

You ARE The Prototype

Meet Brooke Deslouches

Nationality: Haitian
Measurements 32-25-35
Height- 5'7

I've recently had opportunity to speak with this talented young lady, and I must say, its refreshing. The Industry and World in general is filled with (for a lack of a better word)...bullshit. Its just nice to see a girl who has ambition and DRIVE that match her skills and look.

I got a chance to ask her a few questions and with every response she proved why her nickname is DrivenbBrooke.

Andre: What made you want to get into the modeling industry?

Brooke: I always loved the fashion industry ever since i can remember. I was overweight growing up and picked on. Dreaming about being the very girls I saw in magazine's was my get-away. It opened my eyes to a bigger, beautiful world filled with creative things that, those around me, had no interest in.

A: How long have you been modeling?

B: About a year or so. Not that long due to the simple fact of school and securing a back-up plan just in case my dreams did not follow through.

A: Who are some of your influences/inspirations in the modeling industry, fashion in general, and in the world that surrounds us?

B: I am a big fan of Kate Moss, Rhianna, and Lady GaGa. They are individuals who are different and rebel from the norm. As of designers I love Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Alexander Wang and Christian Louboutin.

A: If you could work with any designer, who would it be and why?

B: Christian Louboutin because i love wearing his shoes.

A: What was your favorite show during the recent NY fashion week?

B: Alexander Wang because I can just see myself wearing his clothing straight off the runway to the streets. Nothing to over-complicated or over done. Just simple styles that accentuate a women's figure.

A: What do you have in store for 2010?
B: I will have a couple of campaign and magazine shoots coming up and acting! So I'm excited.

Dear Brooke,

Like I told you the other day, I get a good vibe when I read your words and see you pictures. I struggled with some of the same problems as you did in my youth. My progression to this point in my life has shown me the meaning of what true "beauty" is and what it can create. You are beautiful. I hope to work with you in the near future as we both ascend on our journey to personal and professional success and happiness. May your desires and goals come to fruition through the power of your dreams. You gon make it baby. Trust me....


-Andre Burgess

Thank you Brooke.


1 comment:

  1. i agree, Brooke is very talented. Not only do i follow her blogs but i follow her on twitter(not in a stalker-ish way lol). One thing is for sure . . SHE IS GOING TO MAKE IT. Not only is she beautiful but she is so nice. She makes sure she replies to everyone on Twitter, even those she doesn't know!

    Brooke: i wish you the best!


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